CHECKPOINT @ CD PREP: Prior to sending the initial CD, Checkpoint will automatically pull documents and data from the loan origination system. Checkpoint then runs a series of business rules to identify discrepancies, missing data, and other issues that must...
DATA EXTRACTION: The foundational process of Indexing, followed by Data Extraction from the indexed files is demonstrated here. These foundational processes are used throughout the origination and servicing lifecycle - either as standalone processes or to drive intelligent automation within...
REDISCLOSURE: MOZAIQ’s digital worker takes on the Redisclosure process by monitoring a pipeline for loans where a Change of Circumstance has been submitted. Verification is performed on: Change of Circumstances reasons, related dates, and the completion of the LO and...
LOAN SETUP: Multiple automated processes can be combined to further increase the impact of the digital workforce. At the Loan Set-Up stage, the indexing of a document package is combined with a Digital Worker to monitor and retrieve signed initial...