Francesco Paola

Our SOC 2 Type II Accreditation
MOZAIQ has been certified as SOC 2 Type II compliant by an independent auditor.
3x Volume in a Quarter of the Time
The lender is able to complete the loan setup process in 75% less time and process 3x the number of loans In today’s mortgage economy and its heightened competitive environment, it is important for lenders to maximize efficiencies, lower costs...
Loan Quality is a Critical Success Factor
The quality of a mortgage loan has direct economic and reputational consequences on lenders' ability to transact with GSEs.
Part 2 – Prepare for the Mortgage Market Recovery
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Lenders are embracing the mortgage slowdown as an opportunity – to gain operational efficiency by investing in automation platforms
DEMO NO. 200 – Loan Delivery
LOAN DELIVERY: The Loan Delivery process involves transferring data and documents between multiple internal and external websites. In this demo, a Digital Worker connects all the delivery steps together by completing the ULDD screens within the Loan Origination System, generating...
Part 1 – Managing the Mortgage Business in Times of Change: Intelligent Automation is Key
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Lenders are embracing the mortgage slowdown as an opportunity – to gain operational efficiency by investing in automation platforms
Increased Productivity by 100%
A Mortgage Outsourcer was able to increase the loan throughput three-fold with MOZAIQ’s Indexing Solution...
Automation and the Mortgage Origination Slowdown
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Lenders are embracing the mortgage slowdown as an opportunity – to gain operational efficiency by investing in automation platforms
Download our Roadmap to Intelligent Mortgage Automation Whitepaper.